Created 6 January 1998 --- document under constuction ---

5 Frequency 3/4 Sphere

Image from Mathmatica

The image above is a Mathematica generated model for a 5 frequency icosahedral sphere structure I built last fall in Southern Oregon. The real dome has a 32' base diameter and rises to a height of 21' at its apex. It was constructed in three days from 575 pieces of pre-formed 3/4" EMT. It took me another three days to form the tubing.

I hope to have pictures of the construction here soon.

Chord Diagram

Image from Mathmatica

The chord length factors given on the above diagram are appropriate for a sphere of unit radius. The following elements are required for a 3/4 sphere.

	Quantity	Length

	50		0.198
	90		0.226
	95		0.232
	115		0.245
	90		0.247 
	90		0.255
	45		0.262